Monday, April 17, 2023

It's National Poetry Month!

April is National Poetry Month, so that means a new library display! Inspiration was taken from The Book Wrangler's haiku book review work.

The haiku book reviews are already generating fun conversations, and students are eager to try their hand at creating their own haikus about the books they're returning. Good times talking about books--and a sneaky way to work in some poetry! :) You can see a close-up of two of the haikus below:
Feel free to stop by to share your own haiku! Happy National Poetry Month!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

New Books!

Recently, the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation generously awarded a grant related to purchasing books for the library!
The project summary on the grant application noted that students will strengthen existing connections and build new ones with the purchase and addition of agriculturally themed nonfiction and fiction materials to the collection. Even though some of our students come from rural backgrounds, many do not. These books will help reinforce students' understanding along with develop new learning.

Books arrived last month, and after processing, are now featured on the display table as students enter the library.
Already students have taken an interest in several of them, and upcoming AO offerings will feature the books. You can also see them featured on stories_from_the_stacks, our Instagram account.