Tuesday, February 8, 2022

👀 #TakeALookTuesday--Movie Adaptation Edition

We've all heard the expression and seen different versions of the memes, but, indeed, the book *is* better than the movie. 

That said, there are several YA books that have been made into movies over the years--the Harry Potter books-to-movies leading the pack. Many more titles, though, have been adapted for the big screen, and many of them you've probably seen, like these:

According to Epic Reads, many more titles are headed our way as series or movies coming to streaming services or to theaters, some as early as this year. For the latest new, Epic Reads recommends their YouTube playlist for casting and release date information (“All the YA Book-to-Screen Adaptations in the Works Right Now.” Epic Reads, 27 Sept. 2021).

So which YA titles can we expect to see? Take a look!
There's still time to read the book ahead of the movie or series release--why not stop by the library and take a look?

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