Tuesday, March 8, 2022

👀 #TakeALookTuesday--Book Awards & Novels Class Edition

In Novels class, students are taking a look at several different book awards and some of the nominees and winners of those awards. Using the same genre categories that students worked through earlier in the semester, nominees and winners were grouped into six categories related to different national awards, including these:

Award nominees and winners were grouped into genre categories and set out on tables so students could rotate through, looking at the titles there. Students had time to read, and the handouts with each group provided access to the official websites related to the different awards related to the books there.
Graphic novels and realistic fiction

Mystery and historical fiction

Nonfiction, science fiction, and fantasy

The class met in the library so groups and students could spread out to read and look several of the books grouped by genre.

As part of their work, students wrote a quick synopsis of a book, searched online to find any judges' comments related to the award won, and reflected on whether or not the book was something they might read. Finally, students evaluated whether or not they believe the book was deserving of the award won based on the short time they spent with it. To wrap up their time in the library, students talked with a partner, reflecting on their chosen books and their work related to it.

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