Tuesday, May 17, 2022

👀 #TakeALookTuesday--Book Return Edition

It's that time of year when school librarians everywhere are collecting books to return to shelves after a year of check-outs. Our seniors are turning in books at a faster rate than our other students as they finish their classes at week's end. However, our students in Grades 9-11 have a visual reminder should they need a prompt to return books:

A special shout-out to all of the librarians who posted similar displays online--their work certainly inspired this small version. 

While check-out ends on Friday, we do have a summer reading opportunity with our first Book Club with Oak View students. (You can read about it here.) If you haven't had a chance to sign up, just stop by the library and we'll get you the information you need. Hope to see you soon!

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