Tuesday, May 10, 2022

👀 #TakeALookTuesday--Makerspace Edition

Several years ago, librarians in the district applied for and received the State of Iowa STEM Scale-Up Grant. We continue to use and offer as activities many of the items we received in the grant, and here at the high school, advisory/AO time is a great time to do so!

Students today could choose from a variety of low or no-tech activities like felting or 3D pens, and they could also choose some "high-tech" options like Spheros, Cubelets, or Root Robot. During the time students had in the library, they could try any of the activities.

A few students were trying activities for the first time, like the Root Robot. Once the app and update were ready to go, she had just a few minutes to code basic line drawing.

CLICK HERE to watch a video.

Those felting were busy creating, and one student remarked that felting was rather therapeutic, which surprised her.

A couple students used the 3D pens, and one tried out the Cubelets, something he'd not used before. Each different cube inspired him to hook them together in new combinations.

Even though our time at school is getting shorter, the makerspace items will be offered again during AO in case you weren't able to join us today--hope to see you then!

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