Tuesday, December 13, 2022

🌎 Cinderella Stories from Around the World 🌎

We're celebrating Culture Week this week, and we teachers--along with many students--are offering advisory sessions that students can choose to attend. (You can read about how we recognized Culture Week last year with diverse titles and book trailers HERE.) This year, students can visit to learn about, read, and discuss Cinderella stories from around the world.

First, students gained some background knowledge about Cinderella stories with a Slides presentation:

The Slides also included brief descriptions from the online catalog to give students a quick idea of the stories. After forming groups of their own choosing, students moved to tables where the books and a T-chart for similarities and differences awaited. 

As they read, students considered the traditional Cinderella story with which they were already familiar, then added sticky notes with examples for the T-charts. As our time together came to a close, we shared out information from sticky notes and other points or connections from their reading.

Some examples of their work appears below:

With a limited amount of time during our session, students weren't able to rotate through more than 2-3 books, and some groups chose to focus on one book rather than skim several books and work quickly. Altogether, nine examples of Cinderella stories were featured:

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