Monday, May 22, 2023

3D Printer News!

After nearly a year of conversations about how a 3D printer might be a worthy addition to the library, we now have a 3D printer!

While it looks great set up on the counter, it didn't always look like this! "Some assembly required," as the saying goes. . . and sometimes that meant putting pieces together, then taking them apart to put them together in the correct way! 

We're using a PC that our technology department had on hand, and we're working to connect the printer and computer. While it's frustrating to not be able to immediately print right away, the problem solving and trouble shooting continues.

So how do we expect to use the printer? Teachers will be invited to use it with their students in classes--the art teacher has already expressed an interest--and students will primarily use it during advisory time. Using the 3D printer will be part of each month's advisory offerings, with students using existing templates from Thingiverse or modifying templates to best fit their needs. Hopefully we can run a print or two before the end of the school year to promote the equipment with students, and in beginning in late August, students will have the opportunity to see the printer run and sign up for advisory sessions to learn more about using the software and creating.

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