Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Graphic Design Class Collaboration

With the return to school came the return of collaboration opportunities. The graphic design class visited the library to delve into the world of YA literature and book covers. On this creative journey students can see where literature meets art and discover insights into the design elements that make these book covers not just visually appealing, but also significant in representing the essence of the stories they tell.

In collaboration with the art teacher, students first discussed the visual elements of YA book covers – from color schemes and typography to imagery and content. This interdisciplinary approach reinforced students' appreciation for the symbiotic relationship between literature and art. By understanding how design choices reflect the story within, students gained valuable insights into the creative process behind crafting these covers.

To bring theory into practice, students then had time among the bookcases to browse the collection to find examples of book covers that appealed to them. Guided by the art teacher, student will later share their findings about effective YA book covers based on their library browsing. This not only allows them to apply the design principles they've learned but also fosters a deeper connection with the books they choose to reimagine.

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